Leap Day Campaign / Uber Taiwan

The theme I collaborated on with Uber is Leap Day, presented in a lively and playful illustration style, and offering ride discounts specifically for the once-every-four-years occurrence of 2/29.
The campaign offers discount codes for four different periods throughout the day. Four different scenarios were drawn according to the time slots.
Each scenario contrasts between a typical weekday and 2/29, depicting the mundane routine of work on one side and the joyous moments of a little naughty twist on the other.
It's my first attempt to use bold contrasting colors, making it easy to spot the key points even during quick message scans. The style is somewhat quirky and cute, bringing smiles to everyone's faces during their commute. 

和Uber合作繪製的主題是Leap Day,運用活潑逗趣的插圖風格呈現主題,並針對四年一次的2/29提供乘車優惠。

⦿ The campaign was seen on:
Uber Blog
